Tuesday, December 1, 2009

An Eventful Night

First off, due to my own negligence I lost the Maller I in battle with Guerristas. The souls of its slave crew are in the hands of God now, and my own hands are sullied with their blood.

It was a loss of carelessness, a preventable loss. I simply got the foe's attention, instead of the Eagle I was working with, and didn't warp out swiftly enough. An elementary mistake...with a high price tag in Isk, and in the lives of my property.

Truthfully, I'd like to claim that my subsequent self destruction (of my pod) was an act of contrition, but the fact of the matter is that it was the fastest way back to Gyerzen, and the Punisher VII.

Does this make me a monster? The blood of the late Chamberlain flows in my veins. If the allegations concerning him are true...perhaps I'm predisposed towards this sort of thing? A worry for another time.

Later on I chanced across Onesimus, of the revered House of Theodoulos, and sent him a message expressing my appreciation for such a hero of the militia. He responded swiftly, and invited me to accompany him on a mission for the Amarr Navy. I joined him and his brother Jonathan, as well as some like minded souls, and provided what contribution I could.

We parted warmly, and I plan to ask of this dynasty a schooling in the ways of the militia. Truthfully, their exploits inspired me to my own endeavors, I could have no more fitting teachers.

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